Why Kotlin?

This is another short post simply because this is an opinion and not a huge topic. I am working with Java again for a while and Java 21 does make m ...

Virtual Threads on Kotlin

So this is a short post. JDK 21 released recently with a huge feature - "Virtual Threads". I will not go into the details of Virtual Threads but ba ...

Reactive composition in Java using Spring / Micronaut


Back in the day I did a lot of Java (2002-2010), it was the de-facto technology for building applications specially since the ...

Composition, currying & state machines

One of my core philosophies is to build software systems which are more or less "data transformers" e.g. our code provides a descr ...

Function composition with ClojureScript & Node

We have talked a lot about functional composition in the last few posts. As I look at Clojure I feel it captures the best of what we hold dear in f ...

Fun with function composition - 3

Kotlin is one of those languages which makes me happy. Somehow it feels very close to TypeScript (which I use ...

Fun with function composition - 2

Sometimes I do not write any blog for months but this new post comes within a week of the last one :) some things just get you this excited. In the ...