GruntJS, CoffeeScript and Browserify


I usually write my JavaScript with CoffeeScript, it makes it look a lot cleaner and CoffeeScript also adds some nice syntactic sugar. Another common issue I face is organizing JS code about which I have written a few blogs already. Lately, I also read about Browserify and it seemed like a really interesting way to organize JS code.

In this short blog, I will walkthrough the code / config I wrote to integrate Browserify with my GruntJS + CoffeeScript + Backbone application. First of all, a short introduction to Browserify - when we write server side code with JS, the code organization is nicely maintained with modules which reside in separate files. With CoffeeScript you can use a class per file convention, export it and require it, which is pretty nice.

For example -

class User
    console.log @name

    console.log "Hello #{@name}"

module.exports = User

User = require("./user")

u1 = new User("abc")

Now imagine, having the same power available for client side JS, wouldn't that be awesome! Actually, this is what Browserify provides.

Browerify can also be integrated with GruntJS which is great for building and developing apps. To integrate with a standard Gruntfile one can add something like this -

browserify: {
  dist: {
    files: {
      '<%= %>/../.tmp/build/app.js': ['<%= %>/../.tmp/scripts/**/*.js'],

My build works like - CoffeeScript files in app/script get transpiled to .tmp/scripts, from where they are picked up by Browserify to be bundled into .tmp/build/app.js. This is the only file I reference in my HTML. One thing we are missing is - watch integration, i.e. whenever I change my CoffeeScript code, I want the transpilation and bundling to happen. We can fix this by integrating the browserify task in the watch -

watch: {
    bower: {
        files: ['bower.json'],
        tasks: ['bowerInstall']
    coffee: {
        files: ['<%= %>/scripts/{,*/}*.{coffee,litcoffee,}'],
        tasks: ['clean:js', 'coffee:dist', 'browserify']
    // and other tasks ...

Please note that Browserify also provides support for CoffeeScript tranpilation but we have used GruntJS for that.

To install packages in a Gruntified project we can do -

npm install browserify --save
npm install jquery --save
npm install backbone --save

NPM also takes care of dependency management. The important thing to note is that we have used server side packages for jQuery / Backbone and installed them via npm and not via Bower.

Finally some working code -


<div id='main'>
  <h1>'Allo, 'Allo!</h1>
  <button type="button" id="mainBtn"/>Say Allo!</button>
<script src="build/app.js"></script>

Coffee code -
$        = require('jquery')
MainView = require('./main_view')

$ ->
  mainView = new MainView()
$           = require('jquery')
Backbone    = require('backbone')
Backbone.$  = $

class MainView extends Backbone.View

  el: $('#main')

    console.log "view is initialized ..."

    "click #mainBtn"  :  "sayAllo"

    console.log "you said allo!"

module.exports = MainView

That is it! We have jQuery, Backbone, Browserify and GruntJS setup. As soon as we change a CoffeeScript file the whole transpilation, bundling just works as we have GruntJS doing the job for us. The code itself is pretty modular, clean and testable. I think Browserify is pretty cool and I plan to use it in my future projects.