Hapi(ness) v17


Node 8 hit LTS status recently and now we have full async/await support (yay!) on a stable Node version. This also means that a lot of JS libraries and frameworks have the oppurtunity to do code cleanups / rewrites to give us simpler APIs and faster / simpler code. KoaJS was the first to get on this train and now HapiJS also joined the party and released a big upgrade with v17.

In this short post we will look at setting up basic authentication and logging functionality with hapi v17 (since I usually need this for all projects). First thing of note is that since v17 is a major re-write, a lot of plugins for hapi have / had to be re-written as well. Two plugins that I usually rely on hapi-auth-jwt-2 and good right now do not work with v17. However, with hapi-auth-jwt2 plugin there is already a PR so it is just a matter of forking it for now and applying the PR. For logging we will use hapi-pino. So the basic hapi v17 server setup looks like -

'use strict';

const Hapi        = require('hapi');
const Config      = require('config');
const HapiAuthJWT = require('hapi-auth-jwt2');
const HapiPino    = require('hapi-pino');

const Routes      = require('./lib/routes/');
const Token       = require('./lib/services/token');

// Create a server with a host and port
const server = new Hapi.Server({
  port: Config.get('api.port'),
  routes: { cors: Config.get('api.cors') }

const init = async () => {

  // Register plugins
  await server.register(HapiAuthJWT);
  await server.register(HapiPino);

  // Auth setup
  server.auth.strategy('jwt', 'jwt',{
    key: Config.get('token.secret'),
    validate: Token.validate,
    verifyOptions: { algorithms: ['HS256'] }

  // Routes

  await server.start();
  return server;

  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

module.exports = server;

Sample routes -

const PingController     = require('../controllers/ping_controller');
const MessagesController = require('../controllers/messages_controller');
const TokenController    = require('../controllers/token_controller');
const UsersController    = require('../controllers/users_controller');
const SharedMessagesController = require('../controllers/shared_messages_controller');

const routes = [
  { method: 'GET',   path: '/ping',          options: { auth: false }, handler: PingController.show       },
  { method: 'POST',  path: '/token',         options: { auth: false }, handler: TokenController.create    },
  { method: 'GET',   path: '/me',            options: { auth: 'jwt' }, handler: UsersController.show      },
  { method: 'GET',   path: '/messages',      options: { auth: 'jwt' }, handler: MessagesController.index  },
  { method: 'GET',   path: '/messages/{id}', options: { auth: 'jwt' }, handler: MessagesController.show   },
  { method: 'DELETE',path: '/messages/{id}', options: { auth: 'jwt' }, handler: MessagesController.delete },
  { method: 'PUT',   path: '/messages/{id}', options: { auth: 'jwt' }, handler: MessagesController.update },
  { method: 'POST',  path: '/messages',      options: { auth: false }, handler: MessagesController.create },
  { method: 'GET',   path: '/sharedMessages',options: { auth: false }, handler: SharedMessagesController.index  }

module.exports = routes;

And a sample handler -

class Ping {

  show(request, h) {

    return { pong: true };


module.exports = new Ping();

That's it, we are all set with a simple hapi v17 server with JWT authentication & logging and for sure it is simpler and faster.